




High School Scholarship Application                                                   Receipt Deadline: April 30 

Applicant Information (Please type or print clearly)


Student’s Name:  __________________________                  Telephone #____________________


Address:             __________________________                  School _______________________


              __________________________                  Parish ________________________


How often do you attend Mass a month? _____________________


High School to be attending:  ________________________________


Applicant’s Signature:  ____________________________________              Date: _____________



 __________________________                            _________________________

   Parent or Gu­­­ardian’s name (print)                                      Parent or Guardian’s signature





Requirements: -Applicant must be a child or grandchild of a Knight of Columbus Westbury Council 1012 member who is in good standing.  Children of deceased members who were in good standing at the time of their demise are also eligible. 


Name of Member:  ________________________________                    ______Parent           ______Grandparent



Financial need is not a qualification.  This completed Scholarship Application MUST be accompanied by the following documents, no other documents will be considered, and no documents will be returned to the applicant:


  1. Proof of registration in a Catholic High School for the academic year beginning September
  2. An essay, written by the applicant, describing his or her involvement in activities within the applicant’s church, school and community, including why you have decided to attend a catholic high school and continue your catholic education. 


Instructions and applications forms are made available by request and at our Website located at:



All completed applications MUST be received by April 30, and should be mailed to:  

Chairman, Scholarship Committee

Knights of Columbus Westbury Council #1012

P.O Box 163

 Westbury, New York 11590






2007-2008 K of C Application