August 29, 2007



Dear Brothers,


On July 7, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI issued an Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum, by which the Holy Father allows for and promotes a wider usage of the Tridentine or Latin Mass.  As a result of this Apostolic Letter, Westbury Council established a Committee for the Latin Mass.  The committee is chaired by myself with the assistance of Past Grand Knight D. Bruce Malito.


As a first step, we decided to canvas the membership to determine its interest in seeing the Tridentine Mass offered each Sunday in each of our Parishes.


Please complete the bottom half of this letter and return it in the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope by September 30, 2007.


If you should have any questions or need further information, please call me at 516-644-7538 or e-mail me at vinnyzzz@aol.com., or call or e-mail Bruce at 516-997-6442, or dbmalito@gmail.com, respectively.  Thank you for your support.







                                                                        Vincent Zeolla, Council Warden

                                                                        & Chairman, Latin Mass Committee


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I SUPPORT the wider usage of the Tridentine Mass__________________


I DO NOT SUPPORT the wider usage of the Tirdentine Mass_____________



